Friday 01 December 2023, 10am-11am CET (webinar)
Website of the European Retirement Week »

CBBA-Europe annual conference
Brussels, 15 November 2023
Hotel NH Brussels EU Berlaymont, Bd Charlemagne 11/19, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Retraites, santé mentale et autres évolutions sociales et du travail en France et en Europe
Paris, 5 July 2023 | 3pm-6pm followed by a cocktail
2 Rue Pillet-Will, 75009 Paris
Event in French only
An event jointly organized with Generali Global Pension

Exploring solutions to Europe’s pension challenges
From 28 November to 3 December 2022
Website of the European Retirement Week »
As part of this iniciative, here our Webinar:
Tuesday 29 November, 10.00am-12.00am
How to promote mixed pension systems in Europe (PAYG + funded) and why we’d need them
In order to attend, register now (once your registration is approved, you’ll receive an invitation with the link to join the webinar).
Watch our event here:

CBBA-Europe Annual Conference
September 15-16 2022
Résidence Palace, 155 rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels
DAY 1: IORP II revisions, cross border and hybrid pensions, sustainability and arrangements supporting a new workforce
Click here to see the agenda for Sept. 15: Pensions and investment »
DAY 2 (morning only): Mental health and innovation in healthcare
Click here to see the agenda for Sept. 16: Mental health and innovation in healthcare»
Assembling multinationals offering benefits across Europe, corporate pension funds, asset managers, social protection providers, insurers, law firms and public institutions
Photogallery of the event

Tuesday, December 7 2021 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (CET)
How should the EU face mental health matters as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic?
In order to attend, register now (once your registration is approved, you’ll receive an invitation to join).
Watch our event here:

29 Nov-3 Dec 2021
Europe’s retirements savings challenge-solutions to deliver value for money
Programme of the European Retirement Week
As part of this iniciative, here our Webinar:
Thursday, December 2 2021 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (CET)
How might EU member states effectively reform their pension systems and improve long term-savings in the face of today’s challenges?
Watch our event here:

Workplace Wellness in the Telework Era
Thursday, April 8 2021, 5 pm CET
CBBA-Europe in partnership with the American Benefits Council (ABC), will host a one-hour webinar, to examine how employers can promote mental health and wellness among an increasingly remote workforce.

Brussels: 2019 Annual CBBA-Europe conference
The first day (13th Nov) will be entirely dedicated to Pension Funds.
The second one (14th Nov) will focus on cross-border healthcare and medical tourism
Residence Palace, 155 rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels
13th and 14th November 2019
Agenda for the 13th (Pensions)

Washington : 27th June 2019 : “Facing and solving the challenges of cross border benefits solutions in Europe for multinational corporates”
The conference is organized jointly with the American Benefit Council (ABC) and Groom Law and will inform about strategies and benefits management of US based multinational employers operating in the EU.
Conrad Hotel, 950 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
27th June 2019

Milan : 28th May 2019 “Libertá di circolazione nell’UE e piani previdenziali e sanitari”
The event will be held in Italian.
Sala Napoleonica dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, via S. Antonio 12 – Milano
28th May 2019

Brussels: 2018 Annual CBBA-Europe conference! (past event)
The first day (27th Nov) was entirely dedicated to Pension Funds.
The second one (28th Nov) focused on cross-border healthcare.
Leopold Hotel Brussels EU
Rue du Luxembourg 35, 1050 Brussels
27th and 28th November 2018
Click here to download the agenda for the 27th (Pension Funds)
Click here to download the agenda for the 28th (Healthcare)
Password Protected Page of our Annual Conference 2018
Please contact us for the password.

Paris (past event)
Topic of the seminar
Cross border and pan-European pensions: The French perspective (The event will be held mainly in French)
Retraites transfrontalières et pan-Europénnes: La perspective française (participation gratuite)
Venue (Lieu)
Centre Culturel Irlandais
5, Rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris
When (Date)
09:00 – 13:00, 8th October 2018
The launch event
The launch event of CBBA-Europe Cross-border and Pan-European Pensions: Why We Do Support Them was organized in Brussels on 6th December. Decision makers, supervisory authorities, employee benefits providers, sponsor undertakings, trade unions, financial investors, academic experts were invited to give their views. Guest speakers of the conference were Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA); and Phyllis Borzi, former Obama Administration’s Assistant Secretary for Employee Benefits Security of the US Department of Labor has attend as well. Mrs Borzi was one of the biggest experts on pensions in the United States, and drafted part of the US legislation on both pension funds and healthcare (the so-called Obamacare).
More than 110 people took part to the event.
*Dear user, thank you for registering to our event.
We inform you that your name will be inserted in a waiting list, because we’ve already attained the maximum number of delegates supported by the conference room.
We’ll contact in some days in order to inform you if any place got free in the meantime.